
Alice’s Garden Urban Farm

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Alice’s Garden is a place of hope, reverence for life, and community. As soon as Al and I stepped through the gate, we smelled the good earth. It felt soft under my hooves. We saw people helping each other as they tended their gardens. Everywhere...

June 20 Solstice, Tosa Farmers Market

Al pecked me awake to go to the Tosa Farmers Market this morning. It’s annoying how chipper (and did I mention annoying?) that bird can be when some of us are trying to chill out. And it was totally unnecessary because we were early – in fact, very early. Anyway, at the entrance, we...

Red Stone Rice

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Red Stone Rice LLC was founded by Michael Schläppi, a professor of biology at Marquette University. Funded by grants from Marquette University and the US Department of Agriculture, his research identified a high-yielding Southern Russian rice variety that could withstand the colder weather in Wisconsin....

There’s a hippopotamus at the market!”

SUNDAY, MAY 17 “There’s a hippopotamus at the market!” said Fiona, coordinator of the Delafield Farmers Market to the market manager, Brian. “Is that allowed?” “Hmmm,” said Brian, clearly thrown for a loop, “this year even leashed pets are not allowed.  But – that hippopotamus is not leashed and – she isn’t a pet,...

mushrooms, ramps, and farm stands

THURSDAY, MAY 14 There is such a hubbub about morel mushrooms that Al and I decided to join in the hunt. After three days, we still have not found any, but we did find a decaying log covered in moss and some beautiful brown and tan mushrooms. “Bird feather mushrooms!” exclaimed Al. Our human...

Our First Adventure Journal

TUESDAY, MAY 12th Hello Friends! With the warm sunshine and spring breezes calling, Al and I find our will to resist in short supply. Instead of spending our days writing and researching, we will be moving to a summer journal format. Every day that we are not too occupied with swimming, sailing, outdoor cookouts,...

Introducing . . . The Glass Pantry!

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) The Glass Pantry is a zero waste, bulk store located in Milwaukee, WI. You bring the containers, we provide the goods. It’s that simple! Our goal is to make zero waste shopping easy, accessible, and fun. Living mindfully and producing less waste should not be...

Hippo and Al Report Card: D minus

Ritten by Al (a bird) becuz Hippo is wollowing Lissin up everywun, this is your chanse to hear the strate dope from me, Al – things you will never hear from Hippo. You may not remember this, but every new moon, we get evaluated by the counsil of animals. Yes, we got a D...

Through the Cracks

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Tiny green shoots, orchids, and other wildflowers rising from the burned and blackened ground; new growth emerging from the charred trunks of trees; pink, yellow and green peeping out from tiny cracks and crevices – this is life – life bursting forth after the devastating fires...