
Turtle Creek Gardens

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Al and I aren’t doing many posts these days because we are busy writing a book about our adventures, but sometimes, like today, we can’t help ourselves. Anna of Turtle Creek Gardens had her very own farmers’ market set up right outside the building that houses...

Hidden Treasure

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Dryer Balls and Eggs in the Orchestra Pit? Yes, we really did find dryer balls and eggs in the orchestra pit at a performance of Little Women in Greendale. We happen to know the trombone player who was playing in the pit who, in conversation...

Milwaukee Microgreens

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) “Oh, Al,” I lamented. “I am in a bad way. Ever since we visited Milwaukee Microgreens (MM), I contemplate breaking into their warehouse at night and gorging on pea shoots; I dream of ransacking the place and stuffing myself with tender, juicy, heavenly leek, cantaloupe,...

Ratatouille Time and CNG

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) “I’ve got eggplant coming out of my ears!” I exclaimed. “That’s not saying much,” replied Al. “Your ears are tiny.” Well, we bought a lot of eggplant (It’s ratatouille time) and other things, too. Several humans wondered how we would eat so much food. Truth is,...

The Amazing Lady Across the Street

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Flowers and peas and real bees’ knees Booker swinging through the trees Houses for fairees, plums on the trees Oh, ouch! I got stuck by a berry Thorn! “I couldn’t quite figure out the rhyming on that last part,” said Al. “That’s OK , Al. I...

The Garden of 1223 N. 117th Street

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Before getting to the garden, I want to tell you a little story about Mary and her husband, Ed. After cutting down a black walnut tree in their yard, they were planning to have the stump removed, but the grandchildren had other ideas for it....

A Recipe for Dandelion Hearts

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) When we noticed dandelions popping up, we looked for a recipe and found Forager Chef Alan Bergo’s Apulian inspired dandelion crowns with garlic, chili, anchovy, chickpea and water oak acorn oil. “Let’s give it a go,” said Al, so we did. You can find it here....

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Wow! Al and I were invited for tea with a family in our neighborhood – Michael, Michelle, and Miles. Our whole day was nicer because of it. We learned that tea doesn’t just mean tea. It means friendliness, getting-to-know-you, or (a word we just learned) gemütlichkeit....

Pheasant Backs

Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Good things to eat are popping up all over the place! Al and I found and ate our first pheasant back mushroom (Polyporus squamosus) of the year two days ago and we are keeping an eye on some logs with baby pheasant backs that will...