Written by Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird)
Jordy bounded out of the snow to greet us, ears flying back, carrying a paper cup in his mouth, and his whole body wriggling with excitement. His human, Steven, followed, much more sedately, to tell us that just 5 minutes ago he had sold the last eggs. Darn!
With 38 chickens, some too young to be laying, they only have about 2 dozen eggs a day. If one of the neighbors happens to be making omelets for breakfast, Al and I are out of luck. We don’t mind though. It’s fun to visit Jordy and Steven and the many different colored chickens who are running around pecking and clucking. We aren’t so sure about the huge turkey – you should see him – who is quite scary, even for me, especially when he gets excited. He hisses at us and makes himself look even bigger by stiffening up his feathers.

The eggs are self-serve. You take them out of a cooler and leave your money in the money box or pay with Venmo. Did we mention the split and dried firewood? It’s $5 per bundle – help yourself.
And in the spring, the garlic will be sprouting – 5 different varieties including German Red, Music, Italian Red, Chesnok Red, and Thai Fire. You will be able to get some at the farm or Hartland Farmers Market which opens in July.
“And pies!” said Al. “Chef David’s pies! They sell out every week at the market so if you want pie, get there early.”
Al and I like this place for so many reasons. We like that it’s small. We like that the chickens are running around outside with lots of space, yet they have a comfortable and cozy house for shelter. We like that the eggs are sold on the honor system. We especially like playing with Jordy and chatting with Steven. It’s a fun and friendly place to visit.
Cackleberry Farm is located just down the road from The Stone Bank Farm Market. Stop by!
Here’s where you can find them:

N67W32764 County Hwy K, Hartland Wi 53029