By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Wow! Al and I were invited for tea with a family in our neighborhood – Michael, Michelle, and Miles. Our whole day was nicer because of it. We learned that tea doesn’t just mean tea. It means friendliness, getting-to-know-you, or (a word we just learned) gemütlichkeit....

Through the Cracks

By Hippo (a hippopotamus) and Al (a bird) Tiny green shoots, orchids, and other wildflowers rising from the burned and blackened ground; new growth emerging from the charred trunks of trees; pink, yellow and green peeping out from tiny cracks and crevices – this is life – life bursting forth after the devastating fires...

Chapter Three in which Al proves his mettle

Without warning, Al pecked me on the head – hard. “You only get one wallowday every moon, and you have used that up,” scolded Al. “Have you forgotten what Dumbledore said in Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone?” he demanded. “What can I do?” I asked. “You hear them. They won’t listen to me.”...